Visualization Techniques
After selecting the combination of direct data visualization, gridding and interpolation methods to create the geometry and associated data, many different visualization techniques are available to visualize the model. With so many choices available for gridding, interpolation, and rendering of each object in the total model, there are virtually limitless possibilities for the final visualization.
Rendering methods determine the appearance of objects in the view. The methods that are chosen have a profound effect on the final product. The large number of rendering options and subsetting techniques allows for the same data to be presented in many different ways. This ability to customize visualizations provides a mechanism to emphasize certain aspects or objects in a model.
Virtually all visualizations contain lines and points. Whether the visualization specifically includes cells that are lines and/or points or has 2D and/or 3D cells (e.g. triangles and hexahedrons) which have nodes and edges, line and point rendering must be considered. Points can be rendered as individual pixels or as square blocks of multiple pixels. Points can also be represented by various glyphs as discussed in section 1.1.3. Lines can be rendered solid, or with patterns like dotted or dashed in any width (measured in pixels). Lines can also be rendered as cylindrical tubes with user specified radius. Both points and lines can be colored according to data values or their colors can be set to any shade to outline the cells that they represent. Of course, it is always an option to not display the points and/or lines.