Model Subsetting
Once the model of the site has been created, visually communicating the information about that site generally requires subsetting the model. Subsetting is a generic term used to convey the process of displaying only a portion of the information based on some criteria. The criteria could be "display all portions of the model with a y coordinate of 12,700. This would result in a slice at y = 12,700 through the model orthogonal to the y (or North) axis. As this slice passes through geologic layers and/or contaminated volumes, a cross-section of those objects would be visible on the slice. Without subsetting, only the exterior faces of the model will be visible.
When evaluating subsetting operations, the dimensionality of input and output should be considered. As an example, consider the slice described above. If a slice is passed through a volume, the output is a 2D planar surface. If that same slice passes through a surface, the result is a line. Slices reduce the dimensionality of the input by one. The sections below will discuss a few of the more common subsetting techniques.
Contaminant plume visualization employs one of the most frequently used subsetting operations. This is accomplished by taking the subset of all regions of a model where data values are above or below a threshold. This subset is also referred to as a volumetric subset and its threshold value as the subsetting level. When creating the objects that represent the plumes, two fundamentally different approaches can be employed. One approach creates one or more surfaces corresponding to all regions in the volume with data values exactly equal to the subsetting level and all portions of the external surfaces of the model where the data values exceed the subsetting level. This results in a closed but hollow representation of the plume. This method, which was used in Figure 1.26, has a dimensionality one less than the input dimensionality.
The other approach subsets the volumetric grid outputting all regions of the model (cells or portions thereof) that exceed the subsetting level. This method has the same dimensionality output as input. The disadvantages of this approach are the need to compute and deal with the all interior volumetric cells and nodes. The advantages include the ability to perform additional subsetting and to compute volumetric or mass calculations on the subset volume.
Within C Tech's EVS software there is a significant distinction between the terms cut and slice. Slices create objects with dimensionality one less than the input dimensionality. If a volume is sliced the result is a plane. If a surface is sliced the result is one or more lines. If a line is sliced, one or more points are created. Figure 1.29 has three slice planes passing through a volume which has total hydrocarbon concentrations on a fine 3D grid. The horizontal slice plane is transparent and has isolines on ½ decade intervals.
Figure 0.28 Three Slice Planes Passing Through a 3D Kriged Model
By comparison, cutting still uses a plane, but the dimensionality of input and output are the same. Cutting outputs all portions of the objects on one side of the cutting plane. If a volume is cut, a smaller volume is output. In Figure 1.30, the top half of the grid was cut away, but the plume at 1000 ppm is displayed in this portion of the volume. The lower half of the model also has labeled isolines on ½ decade intervals.
Figure 0.29 Cut 3D Kriged Model with Plume and Labeled Isolines
Isolines (sometimes referred to as isopachs) have output dimensionalities that are one less than the input dimensionality. Surfaces with data result in isolines or contour lines that are paths of constant value on the surface(s). Isolines can be labeled or unlabeled. Various labeling techniques can be employed ranging from values placed beside the lines to labels that are incorporated into a break in the line path and mapped to the three-dimensional contours of the underlying surface. Examples of visualizations using isolines are shown in Figures 1.30 and 1.26.