Data Content Requirements
As defined above, our discussion of environmental data will be limited to data that includes spatial information. When spatial data is collected with a GPS (Global Positioning Satellite) system, the spatial information is often represented in latitude and longitude (Lat-Lon). Generally, before this data is visualized or combined with other data, it is converted to a Cartesian coordinate system. The process of converting from Lat-Lon to other coordinate systems is called projection. Many different projections and coordinate systems can be used. The single most important thing is maintaining consistency. Projecting this data is especially necessary for three-dimensional visualization because we want to maintain consistent units for x, y, and z coordinates. Latitude and longitude angle units (degrees, minutes and seconds) do not represent equal lengths and there is no equivalent unit for depth. Projections convert the angles into consistent units of feet or meters.
analyte (e.g. chemistry) data files must contain the spatial information (x, y, and optional z coordinates) as well as the measured analytical data. The file should specify the name of the analyte and should include information about the detection limits of the measured parameter. The detection limit is necessary because samples where the analyte was not detected are often reported as zero or "nd". It is generally not adequate (especially when logarithmically processing this data) to merely use a value of 0.0.
If we want to be able to create a graphical representation of the borings or wells from which the samples were taken, the analyte (e.g. chemistry) data file should also include the boring or well name associated with each sample and the ground surface elevation at the location of that boring.
The chapter on analyte (e.g. chemistry) Data Files includes an in-depth look at the format used by C Tech Development Corporation's Environmental Visualization System (EVS).
Geologic information is considerably more difficult to represent in a single, unified data format because of its nature and complexity. Geologic data files can be grouped into one of two classes, those representing interpreted geology and those representing boring logs. By some definitions, boring logs are interpreted since a geologist was required to assign materials based on core samples or some other quantitative measurements. However, for this discussion interpreted geology data will be defined as data organized into a geologic hierarchy.
C Tech's software utilizes one of two different ASCII file formats for interpreted geologic information. These two file formats both describe points on each geologic surface (ground surface and bottom of each geologic layer), based on the assumption of a geologic hierarchy. Simply stated, geologic hierarchy requires that all geologic layers throughout the domain be ordered from top to bottom and that a consistent hierarchy be used for all borings. At first, it may not seem possible for a uniform layer hierarchy to be applicable for all borings. Layers often pinch out or exist only as localized lenses. Also layers may be continuous in one portion of the domain, but are split by another layer in other portions of the domain. However, all of these scenarios and many others can be usually be modeled using a hierarchical approach.
The easiest way to describe geologic hierarchy is with an example. Consider the example above of a clay lens in sand with gravel below.
Imagine borings on the left and right sides of the domain and one in the center. Those outside the center would not detect the clay lens. On the sides, it appears that there are only two layers in the hierarchy, but in the middle there are three materials and four layers.
EVS's & MVS's hierarchical geologic modeling approach accommodates the clay lens by treating every layer as a sedimentary layer. Because we can accommodate "pinching out" layers (making the thickness of layers ZERO) we are able to produce most geologic structures with this approach. Geologic layer hierarchy requires that we treat this domain as 4 geologic layers. These layers would be Upper Sand (0), Clay (1), Lower Sand (2) and Gravel (3).
If desired, both Upper and Lower Sand can have identical colors or hatching patterns in the final output.
Figure 0.1 Geologic Hierarchy of Clay Lens in Sand
When this geologic model is visualized in 3D, both Upper and Lower Sand can have identical colors or hatching patterns. Since the layers will fit together seamlessly, dividing a layer will not change the overall appearance (except when layers are exploded).
For sites that can be described using the above method, it is generally the best approach for building a 3D geologic model. Each layer has smooth boundaries and the layers (by nature of hierarchy) can be exploded apart to reveal the individual layer surface features. An example of a much more complex site is shown below in Figure 1.3. Sedimentary layers and lenses are modeled within the confines of a geologic hierarchy.
Figure 0.2 Complex Geologic Hierarchy
The hierarchical borehole based geology file format used for Figure 1.3 is described in the chapter on Borehole Geology Files.
With C Tech's EVS software, there are two other geology file formats. One of them is a more generic format for interpreted (hierarchical) geologic information. With that format; x, y, and z coordinates are given for each surface in the model. There is no requirement for the points on each surface to have coincident x-y coordinates or for each surface to be defined with the same number of points. The borehole geology file format described above could always be represented with this more generic file format.
The last file format is used to represent the materials observed in each boring. Borings are not required to be vertical, nor is there any requirement on the operator to determine a geologic hierarchy. C Tech refers to this file format as Pregeology referring to the fact that it is used to represent raw 3D boring logs. This format is also considered to be "uninterpreted". This is not meant to imply that no form of geologic evaluation or interpretation has occurred. On the contrary, it is required that someone categorizes the materials on the site and in each boring.
In C Tech's EVS software, the raw boring data can be used to create complex geologic models directly using a process called Geologic Indicator Kriging (GIK). The GIK process begins by creating a high-resolution grid constrained by ground surface and a constant elevation floor or some other meaningful geologic surface such as rockhead. For each cell in the grid, the most probable geologic material is chosen using the surrounding nearby borings. Cells of common material are grouped together to provide visibility and rendering control over each material.