Options - Configuring Defaults
The Options window provides a means for setting certain EVS module and environment defaults to user defined values.
The Options (defaults) are grouped as:
- Network Display Options
- Use Straight Connections: (vs. default curved)
- Hide Viewer Connections: Declutters your networks. Connections to the viewer are shown as a short red line with a circle at the end
- Always Display Minor Ports: Removes minor ports on all modules, though they are still available for connecting.
- Connection Options
- Prevent Inappropriate Connections: Requires that the port types exactly match. This will prevent some appropriate connections from being made until module run.
- Highlight Minor Ports:
- Property Display Options
- Display Expert Properties:
- Always Show Critical Properties: Highlights the most important properties in key modules
- Automatically Collapse Properties: Modules will have their Properties windows collapsed (minimized)
- Module Library Options
- Include Expert Modules:
- Include Deprecated Modules
- Automatically Collapse Module Groups: Module sublibraries will have their groups collapsed (minimized)
- Gridding Defaults
- Grid X Resolution
- Grid Y Resolution
- Grid Z Resolution
- Offset: A fraction by which the grid will be larger than the X-Y extents.
- Use Convex Hull: Convex Hull is used when you want a model that can have an non rectangular boundary defined by the distribution of measured data points. The Convex Hull of a data set can be thought of as the domain that would be outlined by stretching a rubber band around the external data points in the data set. The Convex Hull boundary option effectively minimizes the extrapolation of parameters within the model to that area which is enclosed by the measured data points. The Offset parameter causes the convex hull to be made larger than the x-y data extents.
- Nominal Grid Size: Displays the product of X-Y-Z resolution. For unstructured grids (separate geologic layers) the actual number of nodes may be nearly twice this value depending on the Grid Z Resolution and the number of geologic layers. Note: Actual grid sizes less than one million nodes are considered moderate. Over 3 million may be problematic and over 10 million should be avoided.
- Display Defaults
- Z Scale:
- Explode:
- Renderer: Sets the default renderer. Options are OpenGL and Software. Use Software if you suspect problems with your graphics card.
- Autonormalize: If on, this option causes the scene to fit in the viewer as new data or modules are added to your network (application).
- Background Style: Options are Solid and Two Color Gradient
- Window Layout: Allows you to load and save window layouts as well as revert to our defaults
- User: Set the application author and organization name. This is saved in applications.
- Custom Paths (data & applications)
- Custom Script Load Paths
- Estimation Defaults
- Pre clip min: Applies clipping to data when Log Process is selected. When log processing is being used, the value of Clip Min must be a positive, non-zero value. Generally, Clip Min should be set to a value that is one-half to one-tenth of the lowest detection limit in the data set, unless the user wishes to make the influence of not detected values stronger. As an example, if the lowest detection limit is 0.1 (which is present in the data set as a 0), and the user sets Clip Min to 0.0001, the clipped non-detected values forces three orders of magnitude to be present between any detected value and the non-detected values.
- Post clip min: Specifies the minimum data output for the analyte. This parameter is useful for limiting or enhancing the effects of not detected values or outliers in a data set, and for optimizing the use of the dynamic color range used to represent the property distribution.
- HV Anisotropy: The Horizontal Vertical Anisotropy Ratio parameter allows the user to consider the effects of anisotropy in the conductivity of soil matrices to fluid flow. In most cases, geologic materials are deposited with platy clay minerals oriented horizontally, and thus flow of water in both the saturated and unsaturated zone can be slower in the vertical direction than in the horizontal direction. Also, ore deposition can occur along horizontal or vertical fault or fracture systems. Chemical constituents being transported with flowing fluids may therefore show a larger degree of spreading in the x-y plane vs. the vertical direction. A value of 10 allows data points in a horizontal direction away from a model node to influence the kriged value at that node 10 times more than data points an equal distance away in a vertical direction. However, the user can specify any positive number with a magnitude up to 100,000.
- Use all data if # samples below: This option gives the smoothest distributions since all data is used for the kriging process. Sometimes using all points results in faster computation since only one (large) kriging matrix must be solved. Since computation times for solving the matrix XXXXXXX
- Number of points:
- Log Process:
- Confidence Bound:
- Confidence Max for Plume:
The modules currently available for configuring defaults are:
gridding and horizons
3d estimation
The Data Paths selection allows setting of new paths for most EVS data types.
The Configure EVS panel allows the user to Load, Save, Set and Restore a configuration. The recommended approach for creating a new configuration of is to make the desired adjustments, save the configuration to a file, load the configuration, set the configuration, then exit/restart EVS. For making a configuration adjustment you do not wish to use again, then simply use Set and then exit/restart EVS. To use the provided EVS defaults select Restore, then exit/restart EVS. Note that for any modifications to take effect you must exit and restart EVS.