
Groundwater contamination sites worldwide are engaged in regular sampling of monitoring wells with a typical cost of over $1,000 per well per sampling event. Many of these wells are redundant or geostatistically insignificant and can be decommissioned. The well_decommission module analyzes all available data and quantifies the impact to site assessment quality of removing each well. The well_decommission module offers the following functionality:

  1. Provides an easy to use method to determine which, if any, wells can be decommissioned.

  2. Performs baseline analysis using all data.

  3. Provides a justifiable approach for determining candidate wells for decommissioning.

  4. Can save thousands of dollars per year for each well identified for decommission.

Module Input Ports

Module Output Ports


The primary output of well_decommission are 8 metrics which are assigned to each well. The metrics are listed below.

Area Deviation is the absolute value of the difference between the baseline plume area and the area of the plume with each of the wells dropped.

(Pseudo) Mass is the integral of concentration * area over the surface of the plume. It is not a true mass because that would require a volume vs. an area.

Mass Deviation is the absolute value of the difference between the baseline plume mass and the mass of the plume with each of the wells dropped. It is indicative of the amount of contaminant mass error that would result from dropping each well.