transform objects
transform objects is a special group object that allows all connected objects to be rotated (about a user defined center) and/or translated. This is useful if you wish to move objects that are complex, such as group objects like post_samples or axes and therefore cannot be contained in a single field (blue-black) port.
An example of this, would be the axes module. If you wanted an axes with an origin that did not match your data, it could be created separately and moved using the transform objects module.
Module Input Ports
- Input Objects [Field] Accepts any number red object ports from modules to be grouped and transformed
Module Output Ports
- Output Object [Renderable]: Outputs to the viewer.
The transform objects modules does not change the coordinates that you will see when you probe.
We consider this module's primary purpose to be visualization.
We most often use it to display a copy of an existing object in the application. In situations like this we want to retain the original coordinates.
In some circumstances transform objects cannot be used with 4DIMs. It can cause the 4DIM extents to be different than they were in the EVS viewer. This has been noted when doing rotations.
In most cases, the transform_field module can be used instead, however it does not allow for multiple objects to be connected to its input.