The scat_to_unif module is used to convert scattered sample data into a three-dimensional uniform field. Also, scat_to_unif can be used to take an existing grid (for example a UCD file) and convert it to a uniform field. scat_to_unif converts a field of non-uniformly spaced points into a uniform field which can be used with many of EVS's filter and mapper modules. "Scattered sample data " means that there are disconnected nodes in space. An example would be geology or analyte (e.g. chemistry) data where the coordinates are the x, y, and elevation of a measured parameter. The data is "scattered" because there isn't data for every x/y/elevation of interest.
scat_to_unif lets you define a uniform mesh of any dimensionality and coordinate extents. It superimposes the input grid over this new grid that you have defined. Then, for each new node, it searches the input grid's neighboring original nodes (where search_cube controls the depth of the search) and creates data values for all the nodes in the new grid from interpolations on those neighboring actual data values. You can control the order of interpolation and what number to use as the NULL data value should the search around a node fail to find any data in the original input.
Module Input Ports
- Input Field [Field] Accepts a data field
Module Output Ports
- Output Data [Field] Outputs the volumetric uniform data field