Recording (Capturing) 4DIM Files

The Record 4DIM output option in the Viewer provides the ability to export in C Tech's proprietary 4DIM vector animation format.


--- Warning from: module: external_faces ---

Field is too big (140 MB) to be put into GDobject's cache (128 MB). Drawing the bounds only. Consider increasing the cache size or reducing the field's complexity.


You will also know this has happened when you see an object in your viewer that is only the white bounds of what SHOULD be displayed.  Such as:

When this occurs, the procedure to fix it is:

  1. Select the object using the Choose Object to Edit button the viewer's Properties.

  2. Increase the cache size from the default value of 128 (Mb) to a larger value.


When in Manual mode, frames (3D Models) are saved only when the "Record a Single Frame" button is depressed. When in Automatic mode, every time the model is changed a frame is appended the 4DIM animation. The definition of model is changed is not the same as the automatic mode in output_images. For this module, a change is defined as a change to one or more of the 3D objects in the viewer. Merely manipulating the view with Az-Inc or your mouse does not constitute a change. The reason for this is that recording frames that represent viewer manipulations is a waste. 4DIM files can be manipulated exactly the same way you manipulate the viewer. With 4DIM files we only want to save frames that represent changes to the content in the viewer.

Before the 4DIM file is written, you have the option of deleting the last frame (this can be done repeatedly) or clearing all frames. When creating small 4DIMs manually, this can be useful.What is saved?

Some geometries may not display properly when the animation is played back. In particular, volume rendering is not supported.

Geometry that does not change from frame-to-frame is not re-saved. Instead, a reference is made to the previous frame so that data does not need to be duplicated. Invisible objects (visible set to zero) are not captured.

View attributes will not be saved as part of the animation.

Attributes that can be saved

  1. Visibility

  2. Transparency

  3. Most object modes (rendering modes and line modes)

  4. Background color and background type

    1. If Locked 2 or 4 color backgrounds are used, they cannot be changed by the user in the 4DIM player

View, Light and Camera Attributes

The following lists the view attributes you can change.

You can change all view attributes.

All light attributes can be changed.

The following camera attributes can be changed:


clipping plane

depth cueing