
The read_lines module is used to visualize a series of points with data connected by lines. read_lines accepts three different file formats, with the APDV file format the lines are connected by boring ID, with the ELF (EVS Line File) format each line is made by defining the points that make up the line, and with the SAD (Strike and Dip) file format, there is a choice to connect each sample by ID or by Data Value.

SAD files connect by ID – If a *.sad file has been read the lines will be connected by ID.

SAD files connect by Data – If a *.sad file has been read the lines will be connected by the data component.

Module Input Ports

Module Output Ports


EVS Line File Example

Discussion of EVS Line Files

EVS line files contain horizontal and vertical coordinates, which describe the 3-D locations and values of properties of a system. Line files must be in ASCII format and can be delimited by commas, spaces, or tabs. They must have an .elf suffix to be selected in the file browsers of EVS modules. Each line of the EVS line file contain the coordinate data for one sampling location and up to 300 (columns of) property values. There are no computational restrictions on the number of lines that can be included in a file.

EVS Line Files

EVS Line Files consist of file tags that delineate the various sections of the file(s) and data (coordinates, nodal and/or cell data). The file tags are discussed below followed by portions of a few example files.


The file tags for the ASCII file formats (shown in Bold Italics) are discussed below with a representative example. They are given in the appropriate order. If you need assistance creating software to write these file formats, please contact


    Defines the coordinate units for the file.  These should be consistent in X, Y, and Z.


Number of nodal data components followed by the number of cell data components.


NODE_DATA_DEF 0 "TOTHC" "log_ppm"

NODE_DATA_DEF specifies the definition of a nodal data component. The second value is the data component number, the third is the name, and the 4th is the units.


CELL_DATA_DEF 0 "Indicator" "Discreet Unit"

Definition of cell data. Same options as NODE_DATA_DEF


 LINE 12 1

  Beginning of a line segment is followed on the same line by the cell data values.

  Following this line should be the points making up the line in the following format:

  X, Y, Z coordinates followed by nodal data values.


  64718.310547 37500.000000 -1250.000000 1 -1250.000000

63447.014587 35101.682129 -2000.000000 2 -2000.000000



This flag is used at the end of a line definition to indicate the end of the line should be connected to the beginning of the line. 



Marks the end of the data section of the file. (Allows us to put a password on .eff files)




NODE_DATA_DEF 0 "Node_Number" "Linear_ID"

NODE_DATA_DEF 1 "Distance" "Linear_ft"


1900297.026154 677367.319824 72.000000 0.000000 0.000000

1900314.256775 677438.611328 72.000000 1.000000 73.344208

1900314.687561 677442.703522 72.000000 2.000000 77.459015

1900316.410645 677447.011261 72.000000 3.000000 82.098587

1900319.641266 677447.442018 72.000000 4.000000 85.357796

1900345.487030 677441.411530 72.000000 5.000000 111.897774

1900360.563782 677439.472870 72.000000 6.000000 127.098656

1900363.579193 677447.226807 72.000000 7.000000 135.418289

1900365.517822 677447.226807 72.000000 8.000000 137.356918

1900365.948608 677438.396118 72.000000 9.000000 146.198105

1900379.733032 677436.888245 72.000000 10.000000 160.064758

1900405.578766 677432.150055 72.000000 11.000000 186.341217

1900497.331879 677416.427002 72.000000 12.000000 279.431763

1900511.331512 677414.919464 72.000000 13.000000 293.512329

1900525.762268 677411.257721 72.000000 14.000000 308.400421

1900527.269775 677405.442444 72.000000 15.000000 314.407898

1900524.900696 677399.411926 72.000000 16.000000 320.887085

1900522.531311 677391.012024 72.000000 17.000000 329.614746

1900517.362366 677357.196808 72.000000 18.000000 363.822754

1900501.854828 677266.951569 72.000000 19.000000 455.390686

1900501.639282 677262.213379 72.000000 20.000000 460.133789

1900500.777710 677255.321014 72.000000 21.000000 467.079773

1900496.470306 677250.151733 72.000000 22.000000 473.808472

1900487.208862 677241.751816 72.000000 23.000000 486.311798

1900450.378204 677201.906097 72.000000 24.000000 540.572083

1900403.568481 677152.368134 72.000000 25.000000 608.727478

1900356.758759 677102.830177 72.000000 26.000000 676.882874

1900309.949036 677053.292221 72.000000 27.000000 745.038269

1900286.257172 677028.523243 72.000000 28.000000 779.313721

1900278.718445 677022.923517 72.000000 29.000000 788.704651

1900269.672546 677024.431061 72.000000 30.000000 797.875305

1900217.334717 677035.200397 72.000000 31.000000 851.309631

1900232.196075 677097.230453 72.000000 32.000000 915.095154

1900247.057434 677159.260513 72.000000 33.000000 978.880615

1900252.226715 677179.937317 72.000000 34.000000 1000.193787

1900267.159851 677242.326401 72.000000 35.000000 1064.345215

1900282.093018 677304.715485 72.000000 36.000000 1128.496460

1900297.026154 677367.104584 72.000000 37.000000 1192.647827