opacity by nodal data

opacity by nodal data provides a means to adjust the opacity (1 - transparency) of any object based on its data values using a simple ramp function which assigns a starting opacity to values less than or equal to the Level Start and an ending opacity to values greater than or equal to the Level End.  The appearance of the resulting output is often similar in appearance to volume rendering.  opacity by nodal data converts data into partially transparent surfaces where data values at each point in a grid are represented by a particular color and opacity.

NOTE: Any module connected after opacity by nodal data MUST have Normals Generation set to Vertex (if there is a Normals Generation toggle on the module's panel, it must be OFF).  


  1. The leftmost port accepts an input field

Module Output Ports

  1. The output field which passes the original data with a special new "opacity" data component for use with downstream modules (e.g. slice, plume_shell, etc.)

  2. The (red) port for connection to the viewer.