
The node_computation module is used to perform mathematical operations on nodal data fields and coordinates. Data values can be used to affect coordinates (x, y, or z) and coordinates can be used to affect data values.

Up to two fields can be input to node_computation. Mathematical expressions can involve one or both of the input fields. Fields must be identical grids. This means they must have the same number of nodes and cells, otherwise the results will not make sense.

Nodal data input to each of the ports is normally scalar, however if a vector data component is used, the values in the expression are automatically the magnitude of the vector (which is a scalar). If you want a particular component of a vector, insert an extract_scalar module before connecting a vector data component to node_computation. The output is always a scalar. If a data field contains more than one data component, you may select from any of them.

Module Input Ports

Module Output Ports

Module Parameters

Each nodal data component from Input Field 1 is assigned as a variable to be used in the script. For example:

The min and max of these components are also added as variables :

For Input Field 2 the variable names change to:

An interesting and simple example of using node_computation can be found here.

The equation(s) used to modify data and/or coordinates must be input as part of a Python Script. The module will generate a default script and by modifying only one line (for the X coordinate)we get:

which with the following application:

Gives us the ability to view densely sampled data as line plots beside each boring