The merge_fences module is used to merge the output from multiple krig_fence modules into one data set (i.e., to merge cross sections into a fence diagram). This is useful for performing uniform data manipulation procedures on fence data from several krig_fence outputs. For example, if several krig_fence modules are used, they should all pass through a merge_fences module before being passed to explode and scale. Therefore, all fences will be exploded and scaled the same amount and only one dialog box is needed to control all fences. merge_fences should always be used when more than one krig_fence module is used.
Module Input Ports
- First Input Field [Field] Accepts a data field.
- Second Input Field [Field] Accepts a data field.
- Third Input Field [Field] Accepts a data field.
- Fourth Input Field [Field] Accepts a data field.
Module Output Ports
- Output Field [Field] Outputs the field with all inputs merged