
The legend module is used to place a legend which help correlate colors to analytical values or materials . The legend shows the relationship between the selected data component for a particular module and the colors shown in the viewer. For this reason, the legend's RED input port must be connected to the RED output port of a module which is connected to the viewer and is generally the dominant colored object in view.

Many modules with red output ports have a selector to choose which ONE of the nodal or cell data components are to be used for coloring. The name of the selected data component will be displayed as the Title of the legend if the Label Options are set to Automatic (default).

If the data component to be viewed is either Geo_Layer or Material_ID (for models where the grid is based upon geology), the Geologic legend Information port from gridding and horizons (or lithologic modeling) must also be connected to legend to provide the Geologic Layer (or material) names for automatic labeling. When this port is connected it will have no affect if any other data component is selected.

The minimum and maximum values are taken from the data input as defined in the datamap. Labels can be placed at user defined intervals along the color scale bar. Labels can consist of user input alphanumerical values or automatically determined numerical values.

Module Input Ports

Module Output Ports

Properties and Parameters

The Properties window is arranged in the following groups of parameters:

Text Formatting:

Text formatting can be performed with a very restrictive subset of Markdown Syntax