interpolate nodal data
This module has been deprecated and replaced by the interpolate data module.
The interpolate nodal data module interpolates nodal data from a 3D or 2D field to either a 2D mesh or 1D line. Typical uses of this module are mapping of nodal data from a 3D mesh onto a geologic surface or a 2D fence section. In these applications the 2D surface(s) simply provide the new geometry (mesh) onto which the adjacent nodal values are interpolated. The primary requirement is that the nodal data be equal or higher dimensionality than the mesh to be interpolated onto. For instance, if the user has a 2D surface with nodal data (perhaps z values), then a 1D line may be input and the nearest nodal values from the 2D surface will be interpolated onto it.
Module Input Ports
- Input Data Field [Field] Accepts a data field.
- Input Destination Field [Field] Accepts a field onto which the data will be interpolated
Module Output Ports
- Output Field [Field] Outputs the field Destination Field with new data
- Output Object [Renderable]: Outputs to the viewer.