import wavefront obj
The import _wavefront_obj module will only read Wavefront Technologies format .OBJ files which include object textures which are represented (included) as a single image file. Each file set is actually a set of 3 files which must always include the following 3 files types with the same base file name, which must be in the same folder:
- The .obj file (this is the file that we browse for)
- A .mtl (Material Template Library) file
- An image file (e.g. .jpg) which is used for the texture. Note: there must be only ONE image/texture file. We do not support multiple texture files.
This module provides the user with the capability to integrate complex photo-realistic site plans, buildings, and other 3D features into the EVS visualization, to provide a frame of reference for understanding the three dimensional relationships between the site features, and characteristics of geologic, hydrologic, and chemical features.
NOTE: This module intentionally does not have a Z-Scale port since this class of files are so often not in a user's model projected coordinate system. Instead we are providing a Transform Settings group that allows for a much more complex set of transformations including scaling, translations and rotations.
Module Output Ports
- Output Object [Renderable]: Outputs to the viewer
Properties and Parameters
The Properties window includes the following parameters:
Texture Options: These allow you to enhance the image used for texturing to achieve the best looking final output.
Transform Settings: This allows you to add any number of Translation or Scale transformations in order to place your Wavefront Object in the same coordinate space as the rest of your "Real-World" model. It is very typical that Wavefront Objects are in a rather arbitrary local coordinate system that will have no defined transformation to any standard coordinate projection.
Generally you should know if the coordinates are feet of meters and if those are not correct, do that scaling as your first set of transforms.
It will be up to you to determine the set of translations that will properly place this object in your model. Hopefully rotations will not be required, but they are possible with the Transform List.