export cad

General Module Function

export cad will output one or more individual objects (red port) or your complete model (purple input port from the viewer).  Volumetric objects in EVS are converted to surface and line type objects.

export cad preserves the colors of all cells and objects by assigning cell colors to each AutoCAD surface or line entity according to the following procedure:

a) If nodal data is present, the first nodal data component is averaged to the cells and that color is applied.  This is equivalent to the appearance of surfaces in EVS with flat shading mode applied.

b) If no nodal data is present, but cell data is, that color is applied.  This is equivalent to the appearance of surfaces in EVS with flat shading mode applied.

c) If neither nodal or cell data is present the object's color is used.

The results should look fairly similar to the viewer in EVS except:

All "objects" in EVS are converted to separate layers based upon the EVS object name (as shown in the viewer's Object_Selector).

Module Input Ports