Modpath DWR/DWZ File Example
Discussion of DWR/DWZ Files
DWR/DWZ files contain the package parameters from MODFLOW projects. These are stored as either a single record, for steady state simulations, or as a group of records based on date for transient simulations. The different packages supported are: DRAINS; WELLS; RECHARGE; ET (evapotranspiration); CONSTANT_HEAD; GENERAL_HEAD; RIVER_LEAKAGE; and STORAGE.
You may insert comment lines in DRW/DWZ input files. Comments can be inserted anywhere in a file and must begin with a '#' character. The line numbers that follow refer to all non-commented lines in the file.
Line 1: Should contain the word GRID.
Line 2: The GRID flag should be followed on the next line by the following grid parameters in order: the grid rotation about the z axis, the translation of the grid from the origin in the x direction, the translation of the grid from the origin in the y direction, the translation of the grid from the origin in the z direction.
Line 3: Should contain the word TIME followed on the same line by one of the following abbreviations indicating the time units of the file: "yr" – year, "d" – day, "h" – hours, "m" – minutes, "s" – seconds.
Line 4: Will contain either the word "STEADY_STATE" for steady state simulations, or the word "Date" followed by a date in the standard short date format.
Lines 5+: Should contain one of the package headers mention above (DRAINS,WELLS,etc..), followed on the subsequent lines with the coordinates of the center of the cell, the flow due to that package in that cell, and the face (if applicable) at which the flow is occurring. The faces are defined in the following order: top - 6, bottom - 5, right - 1, left - 2, front - 4, and back - 3. If the flow is not followed by a face number or is given a face number of 0 then the flow is applied to the entire cell and not to a cell face.
The word END on any line prevents further parsing of the file.
Steady State File example:
# EVS generated DWR file
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0
57500.000000 67500.000000 25.000000 -26006.757813 6.000000
62500.000000 42500.000000 25.000000 100000.000000 0.000000
2500.000000 72500.000000 25.000000 -3394.514160
2500.000000 67500.000000 25.000000 -3415.331787
2500.000000 62500.000000 25.000000 -3453.412109
Transient File example:
# EVS generated DWR file
0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.0
DATE 5/31/2146
57500.000000 67500.000000 25.000000 -26006.757813 6.000000
62500.000000 42500.000000 25.000000 100000.000000 0.000000
2500.000000 72500.000000 25.000000 -3394.514160
2500.000000 67500.000000 25.000000 -3415.331787
2500.000000 62500.000000 25.000000 -3453.412109
DATE 10/28/2392
57500.000000 67500.000000 25.000000 -25082.052734 6.000000
62500.000000 42500.000000 25.000000 90000.000000 0.000000
2500.000000 72500.000000 25.000000 -3022.231934
2500.000000 67500.000000 25.000000 -3042.281006
2500.000000 62500.000000 25.000000 -3079.266602