
The draw_lines module enables you to create both 2D and 3D lines interactively with the mouse.

The mouse gesture for line creation is: depress the Ctrl key and then click the left mouse button on any pickable object in the viewer. The first click establishes the beginning point of the line segment and the second click establishes each successive point.

draw_lines allows adding of points that are outside the model extents, undoing of the last picked point, and the clearing of all picked points. Unlike most modules which create mesh data to used by other modules, the draw_lines module receives input from the viewer, and also passes on field data to be used by other modules.

There are two drawing modes:

1) Top View Mode creates 2D lines which are always at Z=0.0. You must be in a Top View to draw with this mode, but you may pick points anywhere in the viewer screen.

2) Object Mode creates 3D lines which are drawn by probing objects in your model.  You cannot draw at a point without having an object there or specifying a coordinate using the x-y-z type-ins.

NOTE: Because draw_lines saves your lines with your application, when an application is saved, the purple port is automatically disconnected from the viewer.  This ensures that when you load an application the resulting objects (lines, fence-diagrams, etc.) will look exactly the same as when you saved the application.  However, if you wish to draw new lines you will need to reconnect the purple port from the viewer.

Module Input Ports

Module Output Ports