cross section
cross section creates a fence diagram along a user defined (x, y) path. The fence cross-section has no thickness (because it is composed of areal elements such as triangles and quadrilaterals), but can be created in either true 3D model space or projected to 2D space.
It receives a 3D field (with volumetric elements) into its left input port and it receives lines or polylines (from draw_lines, polyline processing, import_cad, isolines, import vector gis, or other sources) into its right input port. Its function is similar to buffer distance, however it actually creates a new grid and does not rely on any other modules (e.g. plume or plume_shell) to do the "cutting". Only the x and y coordinates of the input (poly)lines are used because cross section cuts a projected slice that is z invariant. cross section recalculates when either input field is changed (and Run Automatically is on) or when the "Run Once" button is pressed.
If you select the option to "Straighten to 2D", cross section creates a straightened fence that is projected to a new 2D coordinate system of your choice. The choices are XZ or XY. For output to ESRI's ArcMAP, XY is required.
NOTE: The beginning of straightened (2D) fences is defined by the order of the points in the incoming line/polyline. This is done to provide the user with complete control over how the cross-section is created. However, if you are provided a CAD file and you do not know the order of the line points, you can export the CAD file using the write_lines module which provides a simple text file that will make it easy to see the order of the points.
Module Input Ports
- Input Field [Field] Accepts a volumetric data field.
- Input Line [Field] Accepts a field with one or more line segments for the creation of the fence cross-section. Only the XY coordinates are used. Data is not used.
Module Output Ports
- Output Field [Field] Outputs the field
- Output Object [Renderable]: Outputs to the viewer.