
The change_minmax module allows you to override the minimum and/or maximum data values for coloring purposes. This functionality is commonly needed when working with time-series data. For example, the user can set the minmax values to bracket the widest range achieved for many datasets, thus allowing consistent mapping from dataset to dataset during a time-series animation or individual sub-sites.


This way 100 ppm would always be red throughout the animation, and if some times did not reach a maximum of 100 ppm, there would be no red color mapping for those time-steps.


NOTE: The Clamp toggle actually changes the data. Use with caution as this will change volumetrics results.


WARNING: When using unlinked values (Min and Max) such the the resulting datamap is a subset of the true data range, probing in C Tech Web Scenes will only be able to report values within the truncated data range. Values outside that limited range will display the nearest value within the truncated range.


Module Input Ports

Module Output Ports