buffer distance
buffer distance receives any 3D field into its left input port and it receives polylines (from read_lines, import vector gis, import_cad, isolines, or other sources) into its right input port. Its function is similar to distance to shape. It adds a data component to the input 3D field and using plume_shell, you can cut structures along the path of the input polylines. Only the x and y coordinates of the polylines are used because buffer distance creates data to cut a projected region that is z invariant. buffer distance recalculates when either input field is changed or the "Execute" button is pressed. "Thick Fences" can be produced with the output of this module.
Module Input Ports
- Input Field [Field] Accepts a data field.
- Input Fence LIne [Field] Accepts a field with the line(s) to cut the input volume/surface
Module Output Ports
- Output Field [Field] Outputs the field with distance to path(s) data to allow subsetting