
General Module Function

The axes module is used to place 3D axes in the viewer scaled by the model data and/or user defined limits. Axes accepts data from many of the Subsetting and Processing modules and outputs directly to the viewer. Data passed to Axes should come from modules which have scaled or transformed the mesh data, for example explode_and_scale. Axes generated by axes and displayed in the viewer are transformable with other objects in the viewer.

The User interface to axes is very comprehensive. Each coordinate direction axis can be individually controlled. Axis labels and tick marks for each axes can be specified. The label font, label precision, label orientation, and other label parameters are all user specified. Many of the parameters do not have default values that will produce the desired results because many variables control how the axes should be defined.

axes requires a field input to position and size the axes. If you disconnect the (blue/black) field input port, you no longer lose the axes bounds values and your axes remain in place. This is useful when field data changes in an animation so that you don't constantly recreate the axes.

Also, the size of text and tick marks is based on a percentage of the x-y-z extent of the input field. This now allows you to set the extent of one or more axes to zero so you can have a scale of only one or two dimensions.

Module Input Ports

Module Output Ports

Properties and Parameters

The Properties window is arranged in the following groups of parameters:

in_view (Purple) : This port accepts the output of the viewer directly.  It will draw the axes around everything displayed in the viewer.  This port will only cause the module to run when the port is connected or when the "Accept Current Values" button is pressed.  If the models coordinate extents are going to change often then another input port should be used.

objects_in (Red) : This port accepts any  number of (Red) output ports from other modules.  When any of those modules are run the axes module will run as well.

meshs_in (Blue/Black) : This port accepts any  number of (Blue/Black) output ports from other modules.  When any of those modules are run the axes module will run as well.

explode (Grey/Green) : This port accepts a float value representing the explode distance from explode_and_scale.  If you have an explode distance set to anything but 0, the Z axis tick labels are not printed.

z_scale (Grey/Brown) :  This port accepts a float value representing Z exaggeration of the model from modules like explode_and_scale to ensure that the Z axis is correctly labeled.