Object Cache

One of the common problems that occurs with very large grids is that some objects (modules) connected to the viewer will require more memory than is normally allocated.  When this occurs you can recognize that this has happened when you see an object in your viewer that is only the white bounds of what SHOULD be displayed.  

Such as:

The Status Window also provides a warning message such as the one below that occurred when a 2 million+ node grid was connected to the external_faces module:


--- Warning from: module: external_faces ---

Field is too big (140 MB) to be put into GDobject's cache (128 MB). Drawing the

bounds only. Consider increasing the cache size or reducing the field's



When this occurs, the procedure to fix it is:

  1. Select the object using the "object selector" button (All Objects) in the lower left corner of the viewer.

  2. Under Object_Editor on the viewer, under the "General" category, increase the cache size from the default value of 128 (Mb) to a larger value. In the example figure below we increased it to 200 Mb.
