Sequences in EVS
Sequences are an ordered collection of named states (a.k.a. changing content)
Sequences represent an ordered collection of changing content states from a module or group of modules.
A simple example would be a set of plumes at specific thresholds.
Various user interface (UI) options are provided to select the desired plume level to display, such as a slider or combo box.
A more complex example could be a sequence of states where parts of the model are revealed by a cut, with changing plume levels and a title displaying the volume and masses of the visible plume.
In C Tech's Web Scenes, a sequence is displayed in the Table of Contents as a single entry with a unique icon.
Though a sequence can contain many states, the individual states can only be accessed one-at-a-time via the selected UI.
Only those states that are saved by the model creator will exist in the sequence.
For example: If a plume sequence is created with levels of [0.01, 0.1, 0.3, 1.0, 2.0, 10.0], it will not be possible to view the plume at 3.0.
Having an excessive number of states in one or more sequences will make your model (CTWS file) much larger, with longer load times.
Because a CTWS can contain multiple sequences where each one can be independently modified, the number of unique content states for the entire model (not considering visibilities) is the product of the number of states within all sequences.