Products: MVS

mvs_logo_white_100The Mining Visualization System (MVS) product line which began 25 years ago (with its core EVS-Pro functions) is retired as of December 2015. Though we will continue to offer technical support to customers with maintenance, there will be no new development or software releases for this product. This is not the end, it is the beginning!

We began working in 2011 on the successor to EVS-Pro and MVS: Earth Volumetric Studio, which we refer to as Studio. Studio is a free upgrade for all MVS customers and provides many new features which I am confident will impress you and your customers.

Mining Visualization System (MVS) is C Tech’s flagship product for state-of-the art analysis and visualization. As its name suggests, MVS was designed from the ground up to meet the demanding requirements of underground and surface mining analysis; however, its tools are also used by civil engineers and advanced environmental modelers. MVS builds upon all of the capabilities of EVS-PRO and adds powerful new features targeted to the needs of mining engineers, mine planners, civil engineers, or geologists and environmental engineers with the most demanding requirements. Some of MVS’s unique features include: 3D Fault block generation; Ore Body and Plume Overburden Modeling; Tunnel Cutting; Mine Pit Modeling; and many additional advanced features.

NOTE:  All of the examples below can be done equally well (if not better) in  Earth Volumetric Studio.

Advanced Geostatistics

MVS’s geostatistics modules were used to estimate gold concentrations using all available assay data. All regions with an Au grade above 30 ppb are displayed, with the ore body colored according to stratigraphy. This visualization of the Twin Peaks region shows the axis of the mineralized vein, the depletion front at the base of the highly oxidized zone, and the surface anomaly extending from the surface expression of the original Au vein.


Site Analysis

     MVS was used for analysis, planning and visualization of soil remediation at a former natural gas processing plant in Central California.


Ore Bodies & Contamination Plumes

One of MVS’s important capabilities is computation of ore body or contaminant plume overburden. With it, you can quickly determine the “pit” required to extract the plume. Geophysical parameters such as pit wall slope and excavation accuracy are considered in the calculations.


Complex 3D Modeling

MVS provides the ability to model the most difficult physiographic relations. Complex 3D models of faults, horsts, grabens, folds, salt domes and many other complex geologic structures are easily created using MVS.