University Initiative

Industries: University Initiative


Our university discount program is intended to make our software affordable to organizations whose primary function is the education and graduation of students. This program specifically excludes:

  • Governmental agencies that are managed or operated by universities, but whose primary function is other than education. An example of such an unqualified organization would be U.S. Dept. of Energy laboratories (such as LANL) that are run by universities such as UCLA.
  • Government or commercially funded research organizations.
  • Non-profit educational organizations whose primary function is not the education and graduation of students.

Before a University Discount order will be accepted, C Tech requires the following:

  • A signed copy of our University Certification must be scanned and emailed to
  • We must receive a confirming email from the individual signing the certification. This email must come from an official university email account, such as

C Tech Enterprise University Program

Earth Volumetric Studio Site License Unlimited number of simultaneous Earth Volumetric Studio users within a single campus of a university. Includes 1 server/key.
Training Access Unlimited access to all Premium training videos.
 Maintenance Includes unlimited software updates and unlimited technical support. This level of support is limited to “how-to” questions and specifically excludes receiving assistance with customer data files. C Tech’s response to a new support issue may be through e-mail or telephone at our discretion.
First Year Subscription $3,000
Annual Renewal $2,500 per year