Life Sciences: Fisheries
Fisheries and lake sciences challenge the abilities of traditional software tools. Virtually everything of interest lies beneath the surface. This is a 3D world with complex issues that affect the life in these water bodies and all life on Earth.
C Tech’s EVS, MVS, and EnterVol software provide all the power and flexibility required to analyze and model this complex data. Our software is used around the world to assess complex issues such as global warming’s impact on lake health and species survivability. EVS/MVS are also ideal for investigating invasive species distributions, eutrophication, salinity and any other measurable parameter.
Saskatchewan Environment’s Hydroacoustic Program collects dissolved oxygen, temperature and trout size and population data in Northern Canadian lakes to study how global warming is contributing to declining fish habitat volumes.
This model of data from September 2002, investigates lake trout’s preference to avoid regions that exhibit high temperatures or low dissolved oxygen levels. To see both effects simultaneously, the trout are shown colored by temperature and scaled by their length.

Volume rendering is used to represent those regions exhibiting low dissolved oxygen levels as transparent clouds of varying color and transparency. Red and magenta regions have the lowest DO levels. Trout are colored by temperature and scaled by length while volume rendering is used to display dissolved oxygen levels as clouds of varying color and transparency.