I wish I could say this was easy, but that is just not the case. As Earth Volumetric Studio has evolved, it has moved further and further away from MVS (and EVS-Pro) and all 2018 releases forward have dropped the functionality to “import” legacy MVS (.v) files. We removed this functionality because it was working ever more poorly as each Studio version improved and evolved. However, since your question was (effectively) how do you import .v files into Earth Volumetric Studio 2017.6, and since that was the last release that did have that function, I will address the process and alternatives.
To import .v files, you need to follow the following process:
- In MVS version 9.94
- Load the .v file and address any importation problems that might result if the application was created in a prior release.
- Copy all data files referenced in the application to a single folder or set of subfolders under a master folder and modify the application to point to the data files in those new locations.
- Save the new application to the master folder which contains the subfolders.
- In Earth Volumetric Studio 2017.6
- Select File..Import and browse to the new .V file and import.
- Almost without exception, there will be a list of “Potential Import Issues”, such as the following:
- You’ll need to look at your application and address the modules that haven’t run from Top to Bottom.
- Focus first on the modules that read data files.
- Make sure that they have found the correct path. If not, browse to the new files that you copied to the folder(s) in or under your Master Folder.
- Next, address any modules that were identified as Deprecated.
- In the example above, subset_cells is deprecated and needs to be replaced with plume_cell.
- application_notes is not a functional module, so it doesn’t need to be replaced, but you would use network annotation instead.
- You’ll need to check parameters such as plume levels, slice positions, etc. since these may get reset during importation.
- You can keep MVS open while you’re importing the application so you can compare the settings of each module, if you’re trying to match settings as closely as possible.
- However, be aware that the model in Studio will likely look somewhat different.
- Don’t expect everything to work (or you’ll just be disappointed).
- Datamap structures are completely different in Studio. Your custom datamaps in MVS likely won’t be imported.
- The more complex the module, the more likely many settings won’t be imported. Examples are:
- post_samples
- krig_3d_geology: finite difference gridding
- You’ll need Python skills if you had used field_math, data_math or coordinate_math
- All of these are deprecated and are replaced by node_computation (which uses Python)
To minimize differences, it is always best to save the results of your kriging or geologic model as an EFB file in MVS. You can then load the saved model and do the visualization in Studio. This will simplify things and help guarantee a better match.
Alternative Method
If you’re an experienced Studio user, you’ve probably learned a lot of new skills since the MVS application was created. Now is the time to put those skills to use rather than just replicating the MVS application. I used the MVS (or EVS-Pro) kriging and geologic modeling tools for over 20 years for hundreds of consulting projects, but in the past 2-3 years I’ve come to depend on the Advanced Variography in Studio and the new geologic modeling techniques like smooth indicator kriging. I look back on my old work and know that I could make it MUCH better now. I wouldn’t consider just importing one of those old applications if a client asked me to update that work. I’d start from scratch with my new eyes and new tools.
- Consolidate the data as suggested in the steps above.
- Review the MVS application, but use it as a template and starting point only
- Look at the data fresh.
- If there is lithology data, reconsider if the site should be modeled stratigraphically or with smooth lithology.
- Review any chemistry data and address whether an anisotropic variogram would better model the data.
- Make sure you establish a grid that is sufficiently fine to properly model the data. 2-3 cells between samples that exhibit substantial gradients.
- Consider finite difference grid in krig_3d_geology with square cells in x-y plane.
- Use Data Reduction Tool for oversampled data (e.g. MIP data).
- Take advantage of Studio’s superior modules and functionalities
- Global Z Scale & Explode Distance
- intersection, intersection_shell, union
- Python Scripting