For our next article in the “Tips and Tricks” section, I thought I would discuss another frequently asked question – How do you place isolines on the top surface of a model? As many of you know, this is quite straightforward if you are using the standard kriging modules in EVS to build your model. However, it can get tricky if the model is...
Handling Aerial Photography
With all of the new improvements EVS-Pro and MVS Version 8.5 added for handling images, I felt that it was time to introduce our first official post for the new “Tips and Tricks” section of This section of the website is intended for short discussions about features in the software, and how to make the best use of EVS or MVS within your organization....
Using EVS and MVS on Microsoft Windows XP, Service Pack 2
Users of EVS and MVS With Microsoft’s release of Service Pack 2 for Windows XP, many software packages have stopped working properly. C Tech is happy to inform its users that this is not the case with EVS or MVS. Floating license users will need to reconfigure their systems to handle licensing issues. Instructions are available below. Upon running EVS or...