On the death of Dr. Christopher Rautman, C Tech’s Chief Geologist

It is with great sadness that I announce that Dr. Christopher Rautman, C Tech’s Chief Geologist passed away on May 12th from complications related to an ongoing illness. I’ve known, liked, worked with and respected Chris since we first met ~20 years ago when he was at Sandia National Laboratories.  The first projects he tackled with our software...

Free Mini-class on What’s-New in Studio 2017.3.2.

Free Mini-class on What’s-New in Studio 2017.3.2.  More details on C Tech’s Facebook page @CTechSoftware

C Tech’s Twitter Feed is the Exclusive Source for Free Training

Our Twitter feed is the only place you’ll find our announcement and registration info for the free online class on how to use our new texture library when we release 2017.1. Go to @CTechSoftware

Full list of Recorded Online Classes now Available

We have updated our Online and Recorded Classes page to reflect the full list of Recorded Online Classes which are now available for rent.  These are the meticulously edited video recordings of the online classes which were recently held and reflect the functionality of the current version of Earth Volumetric Studio.  The rental of each class includes...

New Training Videos: 3D Kriging and Advanced Gridding

We have just posted two new series of public training videos for Earth Volumetric Studio. The first series is on 3D Kriging in three parts: Part One focuses on krig_3d, some of its basic properties and discusses the limitations of its flat-topped rectilinear gridding in anticipation of Part Two. Part Two demonstrates how easy it is to incorporate...

Stratigraphic Geology Training Video Series Posted

We have just posted a new series of four training videos on modeling Stratigraphic Geology.  The first three cover rather basic topics related to the creation of stratigraphic geologic models, but the fourth and final video in the series tackles the more complex horizon_ranking module and how to use it to control hierarchy when you have intersecting...