Fast Geostatistical Realization

The next release of Earth Volumetric Studio will also include our Patent Pending Fast Geostatistical Realization™ (FGR™) technology. This is the “secret” that we could not talk about prior to filing the patents.Our Geostatistical Realizations are a significant advancement to industry standard Gaussian Geostatistical Simulations (GGS). A good...

New Features and New Prices!

Our next software release, likely in early April 2020, will be the biggest in years. The most notable new features include: EVS Presentations – a single file deliverables which allow our customers to provide versions of their Earth Volumetric Studio applications to their clients, who can then modify properties interactively.  For example, allow your...

EVS Advanced Training Class: How to Edit Stratigraphic Geology

I am pleased to announce the release of a new EVS Advanced Training Class on How to Edit Stratigraphic Geology a.k.a. How to Develop Stratigraphic Geology from Hand Drawn Cross-Sections. This video workbook covers the techniques to employ the complex texture_geology and edit_horizon modules to their full advantage, and opens up new methodologies for...

The MVS Resistance

I realize that some C Tech’s MVS users are resisting migrating to Earth Volumetric Studio because they are a bit daunted by the need to use Python syntax in modules like node_computation vs. the non-standard “equation” syntax used in modules like data_math and field_math. I encourage you to submit examples of your most complex equations to...

Change of Address for C Tech Accounts Receivable

C Tech has changed our Accounts Receivable address for all payments. This address can be used for both U.S. Postal mail and courier shipments (e.g. FedEx, UPS). Please forward this information to your Accounts Payable and/or Contracts personnel to ensure that we receive payments promptly.Every month we have customers who “accidentally” send payments...

3D Modelling for Environmental Site Assessment

See the article in Remediation Magazine by Reed Copsey, C Tech’s President on “The Use of 3D Modelling for Environmental Site Assessment”.