Earth Volumetric Studio 2020.12: The December 2020 release of EVS brings many improvements and bug fixes, and is a highly recommended upgrade for all users.
Major improvements and fixes in this release include:
- Improvements throughout scripting system, including fixing issues related to hangs when scripting certain modules
- Improvements and bug fixes in mask_geology. In addition, this module now works better on the GPU and can provide a dramatic improvement in speed
- Fixes to load_evs_field which caused certain EFB files to not load properly
- Stability improvements which prevent seemingly random crashes
- Multiple fixes in the thickness module, including many user reported issues
- Improvements to the Output Log (details below)
IMPORTANT NOTE: As we announced at the end of 2019, C Tech does not support Windows 7 as an operating system for Earth Volumetric Studio. Previous versions would still install and operate. Releases from 2020.10 and beyond will not work on Windows 7. Some of the dependencies we use (such as Python) no longer function on Windows 7, and this release is the first where we have disabled the ability to install on Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 machines. You will need to upgrade to Windows 8.1 or Windows 10 to install 2020.12.
EVS Improvement – Output Log changes: We made some significant improvements in the Output Log in 2020.12. First, we dramatically improved the performance of the log itself, which can have a significant impact on load times of complex applications. In addition, most modules which read or write files will now include interactive links in the output log. This keeps the log far more readable, but also makes it more useful in general.
For example, reading one of our sample applications now shows the following:
Clicking on a blue filename will now directly open Windows Explorer, with that file selected in its folder. Clicking on the “open” icon next to the filename will open that file in whatever editor you have associated with the file, such as Notepad++ or similar. This makes working with data much quicker and more seamless when managing new projects.
We recommend all users upgrade to EVS 2020.12.