C Tech is happy to announce that we have approved our first grant to Suchana Apple Chavanich of the Chulalongkorn University Bangkok. After receiving her original inquiry below, we have completed her application and approved her for a full copy of C Tech’s flagship MVS software, a value of $24,995 U.S.!
The Department of Marine Science Faculty of Science at Chulalongkorn University Bangkok has been assigned the task of conducting an assessment of coral damage along the Thai coastline by the Thai Department of Natural Resources.
January 17, 2005
Dear C Tech:
I am interested in applying for an MVS license under your grant program. On December 26, 2004, the areas along the west coast of Thailand were devastated by the Tsunami. At present my department (department of Marine Science) is assigned by the University President and the Thai Department of Natural Resource to conduct an assessment on coral damage by the Tsunami. We need to model and analyze the coral damage from the Tsunami wave occurring along the Thai coastline. We believe that your software can help us in performing analysis and visualization of coral conditions.
My university has funding to support field surveys in six provinces in the southern part of Thailand which were hit by the Tsunami, but do not have funding to buy software. We hope to be able to have your software in order to be able to accomplish the analysis of the impact of the Tsunami on the coral reefs in Thailand. The results of this work will contribute significantly in understanding the relationship between coral damage and the movement of the Tsunami wave and aiding the environmental restoration in Thailand.
For more information on my department and our activities, please see:
http://www.marine.sc.chula.ac.th/faculty/Suchana Chavanich/Suchana/PH.html
Thank you very much for your consideration and your time. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Suchana Apple Chavanich, Ph.D.
Department of Marine Science Faculty of Science
Chulalongkorn University Bangkok
10330, Thailand